
6月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Mr Bean: The Palace Of Bean

  There was a man who liked the queen. His name was Mr Bean.    One day, he decided to do over his room because he wanted to live in a house which is similar to the queen's house. After he did over his room like the palace, Mrs. Wicket came to his house. She did't have money, so she came up with the idea that she pretended the queen and she invited many people to Mr Bean's room. Then, she got a lot of money from them. Mr Bean felt unhappy.   Then, Mr Bean found that the queen who he loved liked brown wallpaper, so he did over his room again and his room didn't look like the palace. After that, People didn't come to his house, and Mrs Wicked was shocked.  I think Mr Bean was smart because he could stop coming people and Mrs Wicket to his house easily. 


  A main character of this story is a wombat. Her name is Frances.  One day, Frances said to her mother " I am going to play with Thelma''. Her mother said " Be careful because you always get the worst of it when you play with Thelma''.  Frances walked to Thelma's house to have a tea party and make a mud cake. After Frances got to her house, they made a mud cake. Then, Thelma brought her tea set to have a tea party. However, Frances didn't like it because it was plastic and it has red flowers on it. Frances wanted to a real china tea set with pictures on it in blue. Therefore, Frances tried to buy a tea set which she wanted by using her allowance.  Frances had two dollars and seventeen cents. However, Thelma said to Frances " I know another girl who saved up for that tea set. Her mother went to every store and could not find a tea set which you want, so I will sell you mine". Frances decide to buy one. When Frances went home with her tea

Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower

 A main character of this story is the woman who is goofy. Her name is Amelia Bedelia. She was a maid and hired by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers.  One day, Cousin Alcolu visited their house to help out because Mrs. Rogers was having a party. She and other ladies were going to have surprise party for Miss Alma becuse she was about to get married. When Amelia Bedelia made cupcakes, she asked Mr. Rogers to ice fish which he caught. She misunderstood and she coated raw fish with chocolate as well as cupcakes. Then, Amelia Bedelia and Alcolu should have pruned the hedge. They misunderstood again and they sticked prunes on the hedge. Then, Amelia Bedelia asked Mrs. Rogers to run over a tablecloth with an iron and cut flowers.She misunderstood again and she got the iron and ran all over tablecloth and she cut all the stem. Then, Mrs. Rogers asked Amelia Bedelia and Alcolu to do gift shower for Miss Alma. They assumed that they had to give the shower which rises water for her.  Finally, people came

Amelia Bedelia Under Construction

 A main character of this story is a woman who is goofy. Her name is Amelia Bedelia.  One day, she went to Hardy's house to take care of her children because Mrs. Hardy had to go to the doctor and Mr. Hardy had traveled for business. Amelia Bedelia asked Mrs. Hardy why she had to go to the doctor. She said '' becuse I am expecting an addition.'' Amelia Bedelia misunderstood the word '' addition''. She assumed that the meaning was extending a building.  Afterwards, contractors came to Hardy's house. Their name was Bill and Eddie.They had to go to another house, but they misunderstood because the address was similar to Hardy's house.  Then, Amelia Bedelia, two kids and two contractors started addition. After they broke the ground using hammers, they take a break. Amelia Bedelia found Mr. Hardy's to-do list, so she and two kids decided to do that. First, they had to '' sand the deck''. This means polish the floor, but th

The golden goose

I also read '' The golden goose''. There was the man who had three sons. A main character of this story is the youngest son of the three. He was called Dummling. One day, the eldest went to the forest to hew wood. He took a beautiful sweet cake and a bottle of wine which his mother gave him. When he entered the forest, he met a little gray-haired old man. The old man asked him to give him the cake and his draught of wine because the old man was hungry and thirsty. However, the eldest didn't give them to him. After that, his axe cut him in his arm. The old man did this. Then, the second went to the forest. He also met the old man. He asked him again, but he didn't give anything to the old man. Afterwards, he was also injured. Finally, Dummling went there. He met the old man. He gave the cake and the draught of wine to the old man. The old man gave the  golden goose to him in return for his kindness. He decided to stay the night with the goose in a inn. The

Snow White

I  read " Snow White ". Once upon a time, there was the queen who was proud and haughty. She had a looking-glass and she could know everything she wanted to know. One day, she knew that there was a girl who was more beautiful than her. A girl's name was Snow-White. The queen tried to kill her in various ways. However, seven dwarfs helped her and she could survive. The queen was angry, so she made a poisonous apple and she killed Snow-White with the apple. But thanks to the prince's love, Snow-White came back to life. Then, Snow-White and the prince lived together happily. I have heard this story, but it is interesting to read in English. I think the seven dwarfs are so kind because they helped Snow-White and the prince. I want to be like them.

The goose girl

I read " the goose girl ". Long time ago, there was a rich girl. She decided to marry a prince and had to set off on her journey to his country. On the way to a royal palace, a mean servant took away her horse and her royal clothes. The servant pretended to be princess and killed her horse. A real bride was force to help in watching   the king's goose with a boy. She was always crying and talked with her horse's head. The old king asked her what had happened. Then, She talked everything and the servant was punished. After that, she and the prince lived happily. This story ended with a happy ending, so I felt good.