Amelia Bedelia-Rocket Scientist?-

The main character of this story is Amelia Bedelia. She is a bit off.

 One day, Amelia Bedelia went to the science fair. Amelia met Miss Edwards. She said to Amelia, " I'm so glad you volunteered to help." Then, Ameria met Dr.Dinglebatt who is a famous scientist and came to the fair as a judge. Amelia and Dr.Dinglebatt looked around some scientific experiments. After that, she met Jason who made an experiment of volcanic eruption. He said, " I have run out of baking soda." Fortunately, Amelia had a lot of baking soda. But he had run out of vinegar, too. He went to find it.    Amelia Bedelia had an idea. She poured the rest of the baking soda into the volcano. Then, Dr.Dinglebatt poured vinegar which Jason got. After that, the small volcano exploded and Amelia blow it with the blower.
 By the wind, the wig of Dr.Dinglebatt was flown away. He was angry at Amelia and went out. When Amelia regretted, Miss Edwards came to console her. She said, " Many scientific breakthrough are made by accidents and mistakes."

 After a while, Dr.Dinglebatt came back and shouted, " I found it!" He was inspired to improve his latest invention from what Amelia did.
 I learend that every failures is a stepping stone to success from this story.



Blue Beard

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