Fancy Nancy-Splended Speller-

 Nancy and Bree was splendid spellers. They practiced spelling in their clubhouse after school. Nancy even spell in French. Her sister can't spell any words.
 At school, Ms. Glass said to her students, " Our first spelling test is on Friday." Other students made faces and thought the words were hard, but it would be easy for  Nancy and Bree.
 At home, she memorized the harder words. The hardest was "giggle."
 By Friday, she was ready. The last one was " giggle." But she couldn't remember the spelling. Then, she peeked at Bree's paper. She started to fix her word. However, she couldn't do that because she knew that she did wrong things.
 After that, she got depressed. At the end of the day, they got back their tests. She got one wrong. "Giggle." Miss Glass said to her, " What's wrong, Nancy?." Nancy told her what she did. Ms. Glass said, " it was wrong to peek at Bree's paper, but you didn't cheat. I am proud of you for that."

 On the way home, she confess to Bree. Bree forgived Nancy.
 I think that Nancy is a honest person and Bree is a good friend to Nancy.



Blue Beard

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